A woman undergoes a lot changes during pregnancy.  An expectant mother may feel stressed out due to the adjustments that they need to make.  During this time of transition, it is acceptable to feel a little stress and anxiety.  A woman may get confused when she feels sad during the pregnancy while most of the people surrounding her are happy.  According to medical research, babies born from these women are prone to develop their own issues when they grow up.

A woman who is caught unprepared by the baby may develop mixed emotions with the pregnancy. Although in some cases a woman may have developed severe anxiety and depression due to pregnancy. The mood of the mother affects the development of the baby.  In the event when the mother is under stress, the environment of the baby also changes. Through the help of research, it was found that babies born from stressed mothers are born premature and underweight.

Then again we now have different treatments to that can help address depression during and after pregnancy.  As long as depression is diagnosed, it can be treated, even the severe cases.  Treatment can be given sooner when diagnosis is promptly and correctly done. Medications and therapy go hand-in-hand. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI) are one of the few medications that are thought to be safe to take during pregnancy. SSRIs include medications such as Paxil and Zoloft.

Nowadays the use SSRIs during pregnancy is now subject of serious debate.  It was found in recent studies that the use of SSRIs may cause the fetus to develop birth defects, especially when it is taken during the first trimester.  This new  finding has brought about confusion on women who are taking the drug and are pregnant.  Depending on the time it was taken, the Zoloft side effects may vary.  The baby is likely to develop birth defects when it is taken during the first trimester because it is the time for body organ development.

The benefits and risks needs to be weighed by the doctors prescribing the drug, says the Food and Drug Administrator (FDA).  Before going through the treatment process, patients are asked if they are willing in spite of the risks involved.  Women who have plans of getting pregnant and are taking Zoloft are advised to tell their doctors about it.  If they are not comfortable with taking the drug while on the family way, they can be given different options to choose from.  A Zoloft lawsuit was filed by women who have babies that developed birth defects due to Zoloft.

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